Women @ Faith
Quick Info
The Women @ Faith are here for you
Our Mission
We support the women of the church in their spiritual growth while supporting their families within the local community.
Who. What. Where. When.
Who: Women within Faith Church
What: Women @ Faith Is a Board initiative to help improve our local community.
Where: Faith church meeting room
When: The 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm
Upcoming Events
About Women's Ministry
Through the Women's Ministry, we support the women of the church as well as their families and community. We invest in each others spiritual growth as well as reaching out to people within the community.
Women @ Faith functions more like a nonprofit or charity. Our focus is outward and service-oriented. We do have occasional bible studies, and there are also small women's groups and bible studies women participate in throughout the week.
Here, we provide a place for women to grow and serve. Applying what we learn to better our families and the local community. Join us and learn more today.

Get in Contact With Women @ Faith
Name: Donna Dayson
Email: donnad53@verizon.net